
To One of My Net Friend

    Hardly can there be anything that makes me more amazed than your last post. As a fact that ought to be agreed on prior to anything else, you are my first pal in this very forum, whom I knew even before making acquaintance with the former administrator. You were once a regular poster here who had brought us lots of brand new ideas, though, regrettably, most of our present visitors may not have much impression of you.

    I have been wondering for quite a while that, during the long absence, what you have undergone and how you got along with your study. All these would nonetheless be beyond me if it were not for your enlightenment last time. I am not adept in giving advice; all I can say is that life is an intermixture of bittersweet contradictions. Sometimes we find it difficult to help ourselves out when it is misfortune, not luckiness, that takes a hand in our life. Depression, too, becomes a disgusted companion that can hardly be cast aside. However, by no means should we be knocked over, for once our confidence is weakened we shall soon be knocked out. And no frustration is non-confrontational: this is why we have to stay up against it and try our utmost to achieve our goal.

    Here I would like to express my gratitude for your regard and concern. It was my honor to have been among those few who had been mentioned in your apopemptic post last fall. Even more grateful I became when I found myself still cared by an old friend, a friend from afar coming with compliment and solicitude.

    There may be some good reason why you decided to leave and why I chose to stay. You can keep yours inside, and I have decided to share with you mine. In this forum, there is no dreary commitment to banal ambitions; people are on equal terms and developing a mellow friendship with each other on the basis of amity. I like the atmosphere here. Also, I think I have made noticeable progress (well, this is just a personal opinion) in my English study—at least what I write no longer seems disagreeable to myself.

    It doesn’t bother me much in writing in English. Please don’t be anxious about me, for I never spend a whole night or a whole day tapping on the keyboard for a new essay. Nor will I stay up late into the night, sitting here contemplating the next target for criticism. That is not my style; I just do what is commonly accepted as the right thing to do.

    It is about time for people of our age to think about the future. I trust that both of us now have a goal to live for and a code to live by. Before this involuntarily-prolonged confession comes to an end, I would like to thank you again for your companionship, which affection I shall invariably cherish and treasure.



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